una mamma, Alessandra, dietro al progetto di design 100% italiano Baffidilatte. Tutto è nato
per aggiungere al panorama dell'abbigliamento e degli accessori per bambini prodotti
originali e soddisfacenti anche dal punto di vista etico, nella scelta dei
materiali e nella grafica.
Baffidilatte: when independent design meets ethical living! Baffidilatte offers a wide range of products for children , which differ from other brands for many reasons.
There is a mum, Alessandra, behind this project, which is 100% Italian. It all started in order to add to the landscape of clothing and accessories for children ethical products which could be also original from the point of view of the choice of materials and of the graphics.
Baffidilatte: when independent design meets ethical living! Baffidilatte offers a wide range of products for children , which differ from other brands for many reasons.
There is a mum, Alessandra, behind this project, which is 100% Italian. It all started in order to add to the landscape of clothing and accessories for children ethical products which could be also original from the point of view of the choice of materials and of the graphics.
marchio Baffidilatte raccoglie prodotti per bambini da 0 ai 7 anni. Sul sito i
modelli disponibili sono divisi in categorie a seconda del carattere del
bambino (tenero, allegro, rock, ribelle) per ricordarci che lo stile
nell'abbigliamento vuol dire soprattutto personalità anche quando parliamo dei
più piccoli.
The brand Baffidilatte offers a wide range of products for children from 0 to 7 years. The available items are divided into categories according to the nature of the child (tender, cheerful, rock, rebellious), in order to remind us that to have style also means to have a great personality.
The brand Baffidilatte offers a wide range of products for children from 0 to 7 years. The available items are divided into categories according to the nature of the child (tender, cheerful, rock, rebellious), in order to remind us that to have style also means to have a great personality.
i materiali scelti da Baffidilatte sono di
alta qualità, ecocompatibili, senza sostanze tossiche (come PVC o ftalati) e
provengono da aziende e paesi che non sfruttano il lavoro minorile. L'ideale
quindi per quelle mamme che vogliono qualcosa di bello ma sono anche molto
attente alla provenienza di quello che comprano.
All the materials chosen by Baffidilatte are of high quality, environmentally friendly, no toxic substances (such as PVC or phthalates) and come from companies and countries that do not use child labor. Baffidilatte is for those moms who want something beautiful but are also very conscious of what they are buying.
All the materials chosen by Baffidilatte are of high quality, environmentally friendly, no toxic substances (such as PVC or phthalates) and come from companies and countries that do not use child labor. Baffidilatte is for those moms who want something beautiful but are also very conscious of what they are buying.
Tra i
vari servizi offerti dal sito www.baffidilatte.it c'è anche la possibilità di poter
acquistare la vostra maglietta in un pacchetto regalo e spedirlo direttamente a
chi volete.
Baffidilatte also offers the possibility to buy a shirt in a gift package and to send it directly to whoever you wish.
Baffidilatte also offers the possibility to buy a shirt in a gift package and to send it directly to whoever you wish.
tutti quelli che cercavano una voce nuova nell'universo degli acquisti online
l'attesa è finita. Vi consigliamo di fare un salto su www.baffidilatte.it e scoprire il volto nuovo del design
Please have a look at www.baffidilatte.it and discover the new face of independent design.
Please have a look at www.baffidilatte.it and discover the new face of independent design.
1 commento:
Strepitoso!!!!!!!!!!! Lo consiglio subito alle mie amiche mamme, lo adoreranno :-D
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