31 agosto 2015


Tictoc Studio realizza accessori di carta per bambini ed elementi d'arredo per le loro stanze.Tictoc Studio è un duo:
Edoardo De Falchi (concept, GFX designer & paper designer)
Amauta Ciriachi (concept & art director & paper designer)
Tictoc Studio realizes paper accessories for kids and their rooms and it is led by:
Edoardo De Falchi (concept, GFX designer & paper designer)
Amauta Ciriachi (concept & art director & paper designer)

1) Magneti in carta a forma di Vulcano, in buste da 4 vulcani ed elementi d'arredo grandi per le stanze dei ragazzi.
Each bag comes with 4 handmade small Volcano paper magnets - See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.TmOHwOPN.dpuf
Each bag comes with 4 handmade small Volcano paper magnets - See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.TmOHwOPN.dpuf
Each bag comes with 4 handmade small Volcano paper magnets - See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.TmOHwOPN.dpuf
Is it a postcard?
It’s a couple of two sided bat rings! - See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.TmOHwOPN.dpuf
Is it a postcard?
It’s a couple of two sided bat rings! - See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.TmOHwOPN.dpuf
Is it a postcard?
It’s a couple of two sided bat rings! - See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.TmOHwOPN.dpuf
Each bag comes with 4 handmade small Volcano paper magnets - See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.TmOHwOPN.dpuf
Each bag comes with 4 handmade small Volcano paper magnets - See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.TmOHwOPN.dpuf
Each bag comes with 4 handmade small Volcano paper magnets - See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.TmOHwOPN.dpuf
Each bag comes with 4 handmade small Volcano paper magnets - See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.TmOHwOPN.dpuf
Each bag comes with 4 handmade small Volcano paper magnets - See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.TmOHwOPN.dpuf
Is it a postcard?
It’s a couple of two sided bat rings! - See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.TmOHwOPN.dpuf
Small handmade volcano paper magnets. They also produce big 'home decor' and cardboard volcanos for kids rooms or studios.
Paper magnets –  Small volcano paper magnets
Paper magnets –  Small volcano paper magnets

2) Monkey Paper Toy postcard: cartoline che diventano giocattoli in carta, nello specifico scimmiette. Taglia, assembla, dai loro la forma che preferisci, uniscile e crea una ghirlanda...
Monkey Paper Toy postcard: It’s a postcard but you can make a monkey papertoy out of it.
Cut and fold your monkeys, shape them as you like, arrange them in chains or in mobiles… 

3 E’ una cartolina, ma sono tre anelli di carta coloratissimi e ritagliabili. Pazze forme geometriche e colori sgargianti per gli anelli di carta disegnati e realizzati dal tictoc studio di Roma.
Non dureranno una vita, ma sono economici e adatti a tutte le età, dalle bambine alle teenager.

It’s one flashy coloured postcard…
but you can make 3 fantastic paper rings out of it!
Cut and fold your paper ring, shape it as you like, add a bit of glue and….voilà!
3 cheap & disposable paper rings designed by Tictoc Studio for kids, teens and ladies.
Mix it & match it and have fun with it!
- See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.mIsdbyWz.dpuf

It’s one flashy coloured postcard…
but you can make 3 fantastic paper rings out of it!

Cut and fold your paper ring, shape it as you like, add a bit of glue and….voilà! 3 cheap & disposable paper rings designed by Tictoc Studio for kids, teens and ladies. Mix it & match it and have fun with it!  

4) Paper masks, poster Game: 50 x 70, gioco composto da 6 maschere di carta+ 3 dadi. Isruzioni di gioco incluse.
Paper masks, poster Game: 50 x 70, 6 paper masks + 3 dices, instructions included.

50 x 70
6 paper masks + 3 dic
It’s a postcard but you can make a monkey papertoy out of it.
Cut and fold your monkeys, shape them as you like, arrange them in chains or in mobiles… - See more at: http://www.1nd3x.com/2/tictoc/?page_id=93#sthash.mIsdbyWz.dpuf

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