Oggi vogliamo parlarvi dei bellissimi Memory in legno prodotti dalla product designer Teja, di Ljubljana, in Slovenia.
Tutti i suoi progetti prendono ispirazione dai caldi ricordi nostalgici del passato.
In merito ai suoi Memory Games, ricordate che rappresentano un ottimo esercizio per tenere allenata la mente di grandi e piccini...il gioco è indicato per bambini dai 3 agli 8 anni, ma anche per mamme e papà...che però, attenzione...difficilmente riusciranno a vincere una sola partita! :)
Potete acquistare i suoi prodotti qui:
Today we would love to feature this BEAUTIFUL Wooden Memory Games made by the Slovenian product designer and maker TEJA.
For the creation of
her products she takes inspiration from the memories of the past. She
creates images that wrap you in the warm embrace called "nostalgia".
With reference to her Wooden Memory Games, please note that this heirloom toy is an excellent gym device to
train your memory. It is intended for all the little rascals from three
till round eight years old. And of course for all parents and
grandparents. But grownups beware - you will rarely win a game.
Memory heirloom toy is produced in Ljubljana, made of wood and is colored with friendly acrylic water-resistant colors.
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