13 settembre 2014


Crea un milione di facce con questo stupendo giocattolo in legno prodotto da Shusha. I bambini potranno scoprire le varie espressioni facciali e le emozioni, creare facce che siano giovani, anziane, da maschio o da femmina, realistiche o sgargianti. Questo è davvero un giocattolo adatto ai bambini di tutte le età. E 'semplice, elegante, divertente, di qualità eccellente e fantasioso.
Lo trovate qui. (the Pippa and Ike show)
Create a milion faces with this absolutely fantastic wooden toy from Shusha. Kids can explore facial expressions and emotions, create faces that are young, old, male or female, realistic or totally whacky. This is a really good toy for all ages. It's simple, stylish, fun, excellent quality, imaginative and hilarious.
Find them here (the Pippa and Ike show)

Create a milion faces with this absolutely fantastic wooden toy from Shusha. Kids can explore facial expressions and emotions, create faces that are young, old, male or female, realistic or totally whacky. This is a really good toy for all ages. It's simple, stylish, fun, excellent quality, imaginative and hilarious. - See more at: http://the-pippa-and-ike-show.com/item.php?item_id=981#sthash.Zm3NN7Za.nPH7ZeOV.dpuf
Create a milion faces with this absolutely fantastic wooden toy from Shusha. Kids can explore facial expressions and emotions, create faces that are young, old, male or female, realistic or totally whacky. This is a really good toy for all ages. It's simple, stylish, fun, excellent quality, imaginative and hilarious. - See more at: http://the-pippa-and-ike-show.com/item.php?item_id=981#sthash.Zm3NN7Za.nPH7ZeOV.dpuf
Create a milion faces with this absolutely fantastic wooden toy from Shusha. Kids can explore facial expressions and emotions, create faces that are young, old, male or female, realistic or totally whacky. This is a really good toy for all ages. It's simple, stylish, fun, excellent quality, imaginative and hilarious. - See more at: http://the-pippa-and-ike-show.com/item.php?item_id=981#sthash.Zm3NN7Za.nPH7ZeOV.dpuf
Create a milion faces with this absolutely fantastic wooden toy from Shusha. Kids can explore facial expressions and emotions, create faces that are young, old, male or female, realistic or totally whacky. This is a really good toy for all ages. It's simple, stylish, fun, excellent quality, imaginative and hilarious. - See more at: http://the-pippa-and-ike-show.com/item.php?item_id=981#sthash.Zm3NN7Za.nPH7ZeOV.dpuf
Create a milion faces with this absolutely fantastic wooden toy from Shusha. Kids can explore facial expressions and emotions, create faces that are young, old, male or female, realistic or totally whacky. This is a really good toy for all ages. It's simple, stylish, fun, excellent quality, imaginative and hilarious. - See more at: http://the-pippa-and-ike-show.com/item.php?item_id=981#sthash.Zm3NN7Za.nPH7ZeOV.dpuf
Create a milion faces with this absolutely fantastic wooden toy from Shusha. Kids can explore facial expressions and emotions, create faces that are young, old, male or female, realistic or totally whacky. This is a really good toy for all ages. It's simple, stylish, fun, excellent quality, imaginative and hilarious. - See more at: http://the-pippa-and-ike-show.com/item.php?item_id=981#sthash.Zm3NN7Za.nPH7ZeOV.dpuf

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