Leif.designpark is a design office based in japan, consisting of Takashi Ueno and Mamoru Naito Keizaburo Honda and Mizuho Naito. Their main work is widely ranged from interior design to art and industrial products. By cooperating with specialists from arts and crafts friends, we maintain the highest quality production.
Per voi una selezione di prodotti dal sito di Leif.Designpark:
Here a selection of their products:
Lotta kids chair-2 seater
Sediamoci da soli o con i vostri amici. Mettetevi mano nella mano, parlando e chiacchierando ... condividete un sacco di gioie e di felicità con i vosti bambini seduti su Lotta.
Sitting alone or with your friend. Putting your hand on your palm, talking and chatting... Share a lot of joys and happiness with children sitting on Lotta.
Ketta Kids Chair
Una seggiolina con uno storage space sul retro, bellissima.
I keep my precious on my chair's back. By loading storage space on the back, the chair becomes a childrens base.
Tone Kids
La Sedia Tone Kids è stata appositamente progettata per dare ai bambini un ambiente naturale e positivo utilizzando legno massiccio e materiali ecocompatibili. Mobili Per Bambini che rimarranno nel ricordo d'infanzia.
Leif.designpark's Tone Chair is specially designed to give kids a natural and positive surrounding by utilizing solid timber and environmentally friendly materials for that unmistakable sense of touch. Children's furniture which remains in the childhood memory.
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