Oggi vi presentiamo il negozio Bubabella e la sua proprietaria, Sharon Seitelbach, una designer che ha pensato di dare vita a questo negozio on line nel 2008.
Il nome del negozio deriva da quello di Bubabella, il nome della prima bambola ricevuta in regalo dai suoi zii francesi, capace di camminare e di cantare in francese!
Ora che è cresciuta, Sharon disegna e crea bellissimi prodotti, interamente realizzati a mano e in cotone al 100%, che vende su Etsy. Andate a guardarli, vi innamorerete! Cuscini, tappeti gioco ripiegabili, copertine...a noi piacciono un sacco e a voi?
Potete inoltre trovare i suoi prodotti su Lista-Nascita!
Today we are featuring a beautiful shop and her owner, Sharon Seitelbach, a designer, creator and owner of Bubabella – a design studio for babies and toddlers, which has been established in 2008 . When Sharon was 3 years old she received her first doll as a gift from her uncles in Paris. Her name was Bubabella. She was a special doll who could walk and sing in French.
Now she designs babies products and she has a new line of kids products that we really like! You can have a look at her products here.
Please note that all her products are 100% cotton, and handmade. You'll find a wide range of products: pillows, blankies, folding mats, etc. We love them!
You can also find a selection of her products on Lista-Nascita
You can also find a selection of her products on Lista-Nascita
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