"Nagomu" è una parola giapponese che significa "ammorbidire" o "calmare", e proprio ispirandosi a questa parola, Mika ha pensato di creare questi piccoli animaletti in feltro.
Today we would like to feautre Mika, an artist born and raised in Japan who later moved to Canada.
"Nagomu" is a Japanese word that means "smooth" or "calm", and Mika felt inspired by this word when he decided to create these small animals made of felt.
L'artista intende portare un momento dolce e tranquillo nella vita quotidiana non solo dei bambini ma anche degli adulti....un vero e proprio momento "Nagomu".
Tutte le parti sono accuratamente tagliate e cucite a mano, niente è incollato e ciascun soggetto è diverso e unico.
The artist would love to bring a sweet moment and a calm moment in everyday life not only in the life of our children but also in ours .... a real "Nagomu" time.
All parts are carefully cut and sewn by hand, nothing is glued and each character is different and unique.
The artist would love to bring a sweet moment and a calm moment in everyday life not only in the life of our children but also in ours .... a real "Nagomu" time.
All parts are carefully cut and sewn by hand, nothing is glued and each character is different and unique.
Potrete arricchire le vostre borse, cappelli, cappotti, maglioni, magliette, zaini... grazie alla piccola spilla posta sul retro.
You can put them on your bags, hats, coats, sweaters, T-shirts, backpacks... thanks to a small brooch on their backs.
You can put them on your bags, hats, coats, sweaters, T-shirts, backpacks... thanks to a small brooch on their backs.
1 commento:
Hello, this is MiKa. Thank you so much for featuring!! I love Italy :) (Who doesn't?)
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