Baooab è un gioco formato da sei pezzi che possono trasformarsi in infinite possibilità: una giraffa, un trenino, un elefante....
Nasce dalla collaborazione di Sergio Guijarro e Miriam Tochijara per incoraggiare i bambini ad utilizzare la fantasia e può essere usato a qualsiasi età.
Baooab is a toy made up of six pieces that can turn into endless possibilities: a giraffe, a train, an elephant ....
Is a rusult of the collaboration between Sergio Guijarro and Miriam Tochijara and its aim is to encourage children to use their imagination. It can be used at any age.
Baooab is a toy made up of six pieces that can turn into endless possibilities: a giraffe, a train, an elephant ....
Is a rusult of the collaboration between Sergio Guijarro and Miriam Tochijara and its aim is to encourage children to use their imagination. It can be used at any age.
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